Bathtub purchase plan to provide comfortable bathroom for family

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when purchasing a bathtub. To purchase a suitable bathtub, you need to have a certain understanding of the bathtub product. In addition, you must have a clear understanding of the situation of your bathroom, including the size and style of the bathroom. In this issue, Xiao Bian will introduce you to the bathtub shopping skills in detail.

Purchase Planning 1: Size of Bathtub

The size of the bathtub should be determined according to the size of the bathroom. Before purchasing, the size of the bathroom needs to be measured first. Bathtubs of different shapes occupy different floor areas. For example, triangle-shaped and heart-shaped bathtubs installed in the corners take up more space than regular rectangular bathtubs. Before buying, it is necessary to consider whether the bathroom can accommodate them.

Purchase Plan 2: Bathtub Outlet Height

The height of the bathtub outlet also needs to be taken into consideration. If the water depth is more liked, the position of the bathtub outlet will be higher. If the water level is too low, the water will be discharged outward from the outlet. Water depth is difficult to reach the required depth.

Bathtub Free-standing bathtub Built-in bathtub

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Product advantages:

1. 100% fresh aluminum alloy 6063-T5, iron containing is less than 2% , sturdy and durable, full thickness 3.0mm.


2. 3 layer PVDF color coating, thickness more than 80 microns, excellent weather resistance, never fade,More upscale appearance.

3. 100% fresh virgin Bayer Polycarbonate Sheet, 30-50 micron anti-UV coating, can withstand 75% ultraviolet light, impact strength is 300 times that of ordinary glass, 10 years warranty.


4. The motor adopts the domestic leading brand and is guaranteed for 10 years.

5. Rugged and novel internal design, 3.0mm thick aluminum alloy profile, 4-10mm high strength impact resistant endurance board, can withstand snow loads of 30 to 45 cm.


6. High anti-aluminum structure provides maximum safety even in strong winds (strongest 12 winds) (34m / s strong wind).

Novel structure and easy installation

7. Packaging, protecting the product during shipping and making it easier to install.

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