Summary of renovation concept

Summary of renovation concept

1: Check the style in the case gallery to master the decoration style you want

At the beginning of the renovation, TXM can use the internet to collect many beautiful decoration pictures. We can find the styles we like from these pictures, help us to understand our own needs, and let us have countless flaws in our own small homes. The picture inspires your inspiration. When you are watching, pay attention to save your favorite PP in time. You can use these PP to communicate with the designers. These pictures will help the designer to better understand your ideas. Even if you love you, It is possible to collect numerous pictures, but it is inevitable to learn to choose between them.

2: View the decoration diary column

Xiao Bian has always believed that: The TX who can conscientiously insist on writing a full diary must be a person who loves life and loves sharing. Therefore, we can pick up some good diaries in advance to study it; we don't need to worry too much about quality and focus on others. Finishing lessons, regret decoration, in addition can also start to pay attention to some business reviews it, because when we buy building materials will face these, when doing homework can begin to pay attention to friends.

3: Learn the process of decoration, understand the way of decoration and choose the right one for yourself

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